Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a traditional and ancient form of yoga that originates from Tantra Yoga - the yoga of techniques and transformation of raw (material) energy into subtle energy.

About Kundalini Yoga

This practice was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in the 1970s and is based on sequences called "kriyas." Each kriya is a combination of:

  • asana (posture) - static and dynamic;
  • pranayama (breathing techniques for awakening prana - or energy);
  • mantra (vibration and sound, usually in the Gurumukhi or Sanskrit language), meditation, and relaxation.

Like all types of yoga, when practiced with dedication and discipline, this practice will make your body more flexible and strong, with radiant health; a clearer and more creative mind, a sense of peace, and overall psychophysiological well-being.

The ultimate purpose is the awakening of the spiritual energy called "kundalini" - which is said in classical texts to be "asleep" at the base of the astral spinal cord.

During yogic practices, we activate and balance the chakras (energy points), so that we can find our own essence of being and realize our highest potential as spiritual beings temporarily living in a mortal body.

"Prema Kundalini" is a creation by Raquel Barros. This is a classical Kundalini Yoga practice, following the therapeutic sequences of Yogi Bhajan. However, it is made with some adaptations and adjustments influenced by Hatha Yoga, Ananda Yoga, and Kriya Yoga.

In "Prema Kundalini," these sequences are used as important and powerful tools in the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic preparation for the spiritual path, superconscious meditation, and the initiation of Yogananda's Kriya Yoga and the Kriya masters.

Initial mantras...

ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO - I bow to the Divine Wisdom within and around me. I bow to the teacher (Guru) within me.

Aad Guray Namay - I bow to the primal Guru

Jugaad Guray Namay - I bow to the Guru beyond time

Sat Guray Namay - I bow to the True Guru

Siri Guru Devay Namay - I bow to the Great Guru from whom great glory shall always be


May the long time sun shine upon you,
All love surround you,
And the pure light within you,
Guide your way on
Saat nam (3x)

#Guru means "Gu" - darkness, "Ru" - light - It is the one or that which guides from darkness to light, from ignorance to wisdom and Love.

#Sat Nam means True Identity, True Being.

Recommended books for Kundalini Yoga: "Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines: Create Your Daily Spiritual Practice" by Yogi Bhajan; "Original Light: The Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga" by Snatam Kaur, among others.

Prema Kriya Yoga - kundalini yoga

Talk to Raquel+34 65 821 3100and send your questions!