
What they say about our courses and practices?

Fabiola Sara

I discovered Raquel's work at a very significant moment in my life when I was about to undergo a delicate treatment. Diagnosed with breast cancer, chemotherapy began, and at one point, I couldn't maintain my energy without experiencing strong weaknesses. That's when I contacted Raquel. We talked, and she officially became my yoga teacher ❣️. Since then, I've been able to restore my energy. Each practice has been and continues to be a balm of vigor and inner connection. Raquel's beautiful and loving work is contributing beautifully to my faster recovery. I recommend it to everyone seeking physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Lia Courrier

The encounter with Raquel happened by divine will when I was looking for a spiritual guide. It was natural for her to introduce me to Kriya Yoga and participate in her training events whenever possible. Her continuous practices represent an immersion in the teachings left by the masters, with a depth, transparency, and authenticity that I have never found in anyone else.Practicing with Raquel means having her formidable guidance to face a transformative process, deciding to meet the deepest essence of oneself, allowing space to be seen, to touch what is most tender and vulnerable in ourselves to make it shine. Without her support, her presence, her sensitivity, I would never have been able to access the vision of existence that I now have before my eyes, and I am just getting started.Gratitude for the privilege of having met you and listened to you.


Raquel is a fabulous teacher. The first thing that impressed me about her is her infinite sweetness, reflected in her wonderful ability to listen. She is a serious and reliable teacher, capable of awakening great wisdom in her students. She has extensive knowledge of the texts of the greatest yoga masters, which she uses delicately to spark the interest of those who follow her. I attended in-person classes, but also a wonderful online course. Obviously, she also has remarkable physical preparation! Highly recommended teacher! ♥️♥️♥️

Jane Barros

I have been practicing under Raquel's guidance since she started. I have done in-person, remote, individual, and group sessions. I can say it is a unique, renewing, and transformative experience. It's challenging to put it into words; you have to experience it and let the breath, mantras, and positions touch your soul. This is complemented by Raquel's attention, love, and beautiful voice.

Manuela Palumbo

I found the course of the highest quality, introducing me to a new vision of Yoga. The training was very intense, a deep and uplifting journey. Raquel was impeccable in theoretical and practical teaching, the motivation she conveyed, always with immense sweetness, firmness, and great professionalism. We stayed at the inn managed by her and her husband, Alessandro. They took care of us with much affection, taking us on nature walks during the days off and providing us with delicious, fresh, and genuine food every day! Alessandro is an excellent Italian cook and a very dear person! 😉 The two little dogs also kept us good company. In short, the atmosphere of the inn is super welcoming and family-like, and Praia do Rosa is a terrestrial paradise. It is an experience that I recommend for those who have the desire to impart the teachings of Yoga learning from a great Master but also recommend it to everyone who wishes to work on themselves in a deep inner and spiritual journey. This experience changed my life, and after 2 months, I started teaching. I am very grateful to Raquel for everything! Thank you. Namaste.


Hello, I am very happy, really, to be able to participate in the course (...) You know, today I am turning 45, and my biggest wish is to follow this Krya path, in which your help and your guiding hand are my greatest gift. I have always asked for someone to help me here on this plane, and the beloved guru sent you as a gift. My eternal gratitude for helping me and extending your hand on this beautiful path. I love you very much!

Gabriela Gunther Gonçalves

I recommend with infinite joy the Teacher Training experience with my dear master and teacher Raquel Fischer Barros. It was my best decision and opened beautiful and new paths for me. Raquel is an example of someone who lives what she teaches in her daily practice, meditation, and devotion, with love, wisdom, intelligence, discipline, and creativity. I did my extensive 250-hour Teacher Training from 2019 to 2020. I found it an extremely comprehensive and practical course in the theory and philosophy of yoga, anatomy, Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga meditation, mantra yoga, pranayama, ayurveda, and Samkhya philosophy. The extensive course gradually allowed me to put Raquel's teachings into practice and absorb them. Each weekend was a deep immersion of a lot of knowledge! I adjusted and learned to incorporate meditation into my life. Hatha and Kundalini practices are wonderful! I developed my personal practice in all groups of asanas (strength, balance, flexibility, inversions, arm balances, openings). I developed some new passions that I have been practicing for over a year without fail every day: meditation, heart identification with the masters, and recitation of mantras. Gratitude to Professor Raquel for the initiation into Kriya Yoga!

Daniela Gobbi

Participating in the Teacher Training with the Great Raquel was a very deep, enriching, and transformative experience. It was a true awakening to the search for self-knowledge through the ancient techniques of Yoga. Throughout the journey, we are blessed with the knowledge of asanas, pranayamas, and meditation. We understand that asanas are not just physical exercises but postures that affect the physical and subtle, balancing our immune, metabolic, skeletal, muscular, hormonal, and emotional systems. Pranayamas are not just breathing techniques but exercises that work on our vital energy and sensitize our perception of the internal world, feeling greater vitality and disposition to relate to the external world safely. And we understand the depth and power of meditation, which helps us understand our origin and where we should go, moving away from mistakes, walking more and more towards clarity. Raquel had the wisdom to combine the techniques of Kriya Yoga from Master Yogananda with those of Kundalini Yoga from Yogi Bhajan, creating a solid, consistent, and intense practice, assisting in the release of our layers and the redefinition of our purpose. Thank you, Raquel, for sharing your knowledge with so much love and for awakening in me the curiosity for this incredible search for self-knowledge through yogic practice. Always grateful for this encounter.

theacrocurls & alinetomasi

From the first contact with Raquel, we were very well received, and we felt that embarking on this journey transformed us and led us to a new view of the world. The immersion in the TT experience went beyond what we imagined, a complete dive into ourselves and assimilation of tools from the philosophy of yoga for life as a whole. Having the opportunity to share Raquel's experiences and knowledge was unique and very profound in our journey, as she is our source of inspiration, devotion, surrender, and discipline. Seeing and feeling the joy and passion with which she speaks about Yoga and the masters was enchanting and motivating from start to finish.


In times of superficial knowledge, being in the presence of someone who is truly devoted to the knowledge they teach is fantastic and deeply inspiring. I feel honored and very grateful to have been certified by someone with such experience and wisdom. Raquel opened the doors of meditation and devotion to me even more, a path of truth and integrity. [Raquel] continues to be an example for me, and I will always recommend her, with my eyes closed, because I will be happy that more and more people can also enjoy her teachings. A privilege to walk alongside her. Blessed be this relationship. With much love, Nati. Jay guru om. Namaste.


Getting to know Raquel and receiving her teachings during the 6 years she lived in Praia do Rosa was a path of discovery and discipline in Yoga. I learned that, without forcing but always maintaining the willpower, we gain the power to change ourselves and the world around us. Doing the 40-day Teacher Training, after these years of practice with Raquel, brought the light that yoga provides, the clarity, and the lucidity of why we are here on this journey. Thank you, Raquel, for the dedication with which you teach your classes and courses and for giving us this wonderful experience of lucidity and love in Yoga through our Masters.


Raquel is a powerhouse of a human being, at every moment, in every class, with every teaching, life vibrates. She does not measure words to express what she believes, she can be very objective and at the same time kind. It is touching to see her "faith" in yoga. I had not yet met someone in yoga with such devotion to a teacher. The training with her is long, questioning, very practical, theoretically profound, opening windows inside us with doors to choose to leave or stay.


I am grateful to life for introducing me to yoga, since then many transformations and abundance have occurred to me! The gift of life in consciously breathing and returning to plenitude with a good practice shows us true healing. 40 intense days with Raquel brought me back to the essence of my being, brought back the wisdom of possibilities, and the result of this surrender will be lifelong. Her teachings, the mantras, the love she conveyed filled me with joy, renewing my thoughts and energetic vibration. Thank you very much 🌷


Honestly, I never would have imagined experiencing all these psychophysical sensations and emotions that you conveyed to us in our practices and lessons... My teacher's life is yoga and meditation.