Initiation Ceremony
in Kriya Yoga
One of the essential goals of Paramahansa Yogananda's mission was to "reveal the complete harmony and basic unity of the original Yoga taught by Bhagavan Krishna and the original Christianity taught by Jesus Christ, and to show that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions."

"Other devotees offer as a sacrifice the inspiration of prana in the exhalation of apana, and the exhalation of apana in the inspiration of prana, thereby stopping the cause of inhalation and exhalation (rendering breath unnecessary) through intense practice of pranayama (the life-control technique of Kriya Yoga)."
—God Talks with Arjuna
Bhagavad Gita, IV:29
About Kriya Yoga Initiation
One should receive initiation into authentic Kriya Yoga from Paramahansa Yogananda directly from one of the authorized yogacharyas (teachers or masters of yoga) of the Self-Realization Fellowship, the community of Ananda, or authorized by one of Yogananda's direct disciples such as Roy Eugene Davis, for example.
I have participated in courses, retreats, and seminars with these two institutions, "Ananda" and "CSA - Center of Spiritual Awareness," with Davis and Furio (, and also on a pilgrimage in India, in the Himalayas, where I visited the cave of Babaji, the great master of masters of Kriya Yoga (
I have had the blessing of meeting Mr. Davis on more than one occasion, as well as Swami Kriyananda in the Ananda community. Mr. Davis initiated me and blessed me, authorizing and certifying me as a spiritual minister of Kriya Yoga, representing the CSA ( Therefore, this service of transmitting Kriya Yoga by teaching its techniques and philosophy of life has become the most important and essential mission of my life.

Preparing the Ground for Kriya Yoga
People who wish to receive initiation are encouraged to "prepare the ground" by familiarizing themselves with the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Roy Eugene Davis. A good start would be to read Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" and other books by Yogananda, Roy Eugene Davis (, or Swami Kriyananda and Ananda Publishing (
You can find good books on Kriya Yoga and Yogananda at in Portuguese.
Along with reading books on Kriya Yoga, the interested person is encouraged to meditate regularly for at least 6 months using the initial technique of Kriya Yoga explained on the kriyayoga page; the hong-so technique and repeating "om" in the chakras, as explained in the mantra theory.
For those interested, please contact me privately for a conversation, and I also invite you to participate in our yoga and meditation practices, as well as our workshops, retreats, and courses.
During the ceremony, the techniques of Yogananda's first kriya will be taught, and blessings of "diksha," or the Master's touch, will also be received.
Further details will be provided to interested and sincerely prepared individuals.