Prema Kriya Yoga Courses

Find on this page all the information and details about our courses

PREMA KIRYA YOGA - Mandala 1c (1)
ganesh mudra

If you are already a teacher, you will deepen knowledge and practices (sadhana) that you may not be familiar with, enriching your own teachings.


Course Heal to Be

with Yoga Alliance certification

Theoretical-practical deepening course of 50 hours online on Zoom, with internationally recognized certification by Yoga Alliance, including practical and theoretical handouts and videos that will be permanently available.

  • 50-hour course, in Italian and Portuguese, with a Yoga Alliance diploma.
  • For yoga teachers and long-time practitioners.
  • 10-module journey.
  • Videos available for participants and PDF handouts sent via email.

Prema Kriya Yoga Teacher Training

250-hour course, internationally recognized by Yoga Alliance

The next edition of the Teacher Training will start in January 2024. The course will be bilingual (Italian and Portuguese), with options for online participation on Zoom and in-person in South Tenerife.

There will be one intensive session per month throughout the year (12 sessions) + one intensive retreat week in Tenerife.

All the information and details will be available soon on the website!

PREMA KIRYA YOGA - Mandala 3 (1)
padmasana namaste

Practicing Kriya day and night is the greatest key to salvation.

PREMA KIRYA YOGA - Mandala 1c (1)
PREMA KRIYA YOGA - Blog - Transformacoes Percurso Espiritual

"Not drawn to the sensory world, the yogi experiences the ever-new joy inherent in the Self. Engaged in the Divine Union (Yoga) of the Soul with the Spirit, he attains indestructible bliss."

Bhagavad Gita V: 21

Meditation and Ayurveda: In the Fullness of Being

Course with a duration of 7.5 hours, organized in 3 modules of 2.5 hours each. Bilingual in Portuguese and Italian.

Learn simple and effective techniques of meditation and Ayurveda for body and mind balance.

This course was designed for those seeking greater connection and harmony amidst the demands of life.

We are here to prove that incorporating these ancestral technologies into our daily lives is something possible for everyone. They can transform and improve our quality of life and health.

The theoretical and practical videos are privately recorded and available only to registered participants on YouTube. Participants will also receive PDF handouts via email on the topics covered.


Course Meditation and Ayurveda

Raquel Bhavani: Raquel approached yoga and meditation in 2000 in a deep spiritual quest. Since then, she has never left this way of life, which she teaches with great honor since 2005, as her most important mission in life.

With training in Canada, Italy, and India, and experience in different parts of the world, she founded the "Prema Kriya Yoga" school with the intention of transmitting yoga and meditation as a lifestyle in harmony with nature, both internally and externally, and also incorporating the teachings of Ayurvedic medicine. She recognizes them as therapies for deep healing (physical, mental, and spiritual) for inner realization and consequently for a healthier, fuller, and happier life.

In addition to the weekly online practices and meditations she offers, she also promotes teacher training courses, retreats, and in-depth workshops. - Instagram prema_kriya_yoga

280 reais or 60 euros

Payment can be made by bank transfer or PIX.

Banking information:

Raquel Fischer Barros CPF and PIX: 795 463 747 -68

Banco do Brasil Agency 3674-9 Account 20836-1

Banking information for Italy

Unicredit Bank IBAN: IT32G 02008 01422 000103840080

Or PayPal, account:

To enroll, simply send a message to Raquel via WhatsApp at +34 658 21 31 00 or via email at for a brief live conversation and provide your name and email information along with proof of payment.

I look forward to welcoming you with great joy to this dive into our harmonious nature.

Light and blessings,

Raquel Bhavani